Sisters in Spirit Meeting

You’re invited to join Sisters in Spirit— a group of women committed to each other, to grow spiritually and to provide service to Unity Spiritual Center Denver and its leaders. The group meets monthly at USCD. Each month has a designated topic facilitated by a member of Sisters in Spirit.

The Power Within: Igniting Faith, Embracing Grace, and Witnessing Miracles

Special Guest Rev. Kimberly Braun will be offering an inspirational message during our Sunday Service followed by a special workshop, from 12:30-2:30 pm.

Kimberly will also be facilitating the 2024 Unity Women’s Retreat!

Throughout the workshop, participants will explore the profound intersection of faith and personal spiritual growth, discovering tools and practices to ignite their inner power.

*Guided contemplative practices
*Perspective shifting talks
*Interactive exercises
*Integration techniques to bring into your daily life