End of Season for Peace & Nonviolence

“The Season for Peace & Non-Violence” is an international grassroots movement that began in 1997. This movement is dedicated to demonstrating that nonviolence is a powerful way to heal, transform and empower our lives and our communities. It is observed annually during the 64 days between the assassination anniversaries of peacemakers Mahatma Gandhi (January 30th) and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (April 4th), two legendary peacemakers of our time.

Unity’s youth ministry has been participating in this movement since approximately 2008, making this an ongoing 16-year tradition! So once again, we offer you a time to commemorate the lives of very special people and encourage ways for us to share peace both within, and without.

This year our Children's Garden's directors Lisa Yelenick & Taylor Brown wanted to ensure that this was not only a youth tradition, but something the entire congregation can fully participate in as well. Leaving us all with something that we can take out into our community. Sunday’s children’s lessons will center around different peace heroes and how the concept of peace applies worldwide and within their own lives. Included in the Youth and Family Ministry newsletter, there will also be a special section with daily peace prompts for families to partake in together.

In addition to direct family involvement, an interactive display has been set up to learn more about “The Season for Peace and Nonviolence” and all that it represents. Included will be in-depth information about the season, peace themed decorations and drawings of past and present. And the future, as we will invite you to create your own peace drawings to incorporate in this year's display! A group "Peace Pledge" will also be on display as we invite you to sign your own personal commitment to peace in our community, and in your personal life, and thus, the world. Over these next ten weeks, more will be changed and added to the display, and in Unity in general, to truly and fully engage and participate in this special time together.