Dances of Universal Peace with leader Sára Rain.

Dances of Universal Peace are a form of circle dances designed to bring the experience of prayer from many world traditions into the body, voice, heart and spirit. These dances draw on many spiritual traditions and blend chant, live music and movement into a living experience of unity and peace. Dances of Universal Peace are done in circles, which facilitates a communal experience of balance and mutual respect among participants.

Dinner and Dialogue: Unraveling Colonialism

This month we are honored to have guest speaker, Roy Chavez, join us. Roy is a full- blooded Navajo Indian from New Mexico. He comes from the northeastern part of the Navajo Reservation just over the mountains, west of Taos, New Mexico near a small town of Cuba, New Mexico. He is a registered member of the Ojo Encino Chapter of the Navajo Nation.

Roy is a living testament of the impact of Colonialism. He lived through the days of boarding schools and the Indian foster programs. Roy was raised in Utah by a Mormon family through the LDS Indian Placement Program.

Summer solstice potluck celebration!

Don’t miss our summer solstice potluck celebration! Celebrating the gift of extended sunshine and the perfect balance in nature and our lives.  Family activities include painting peace flags for the outdoor space, big bubbles, youth contests & more! “Adulting” space also included for time to celebrate connections. Everybody welcome – bring your family, friends & your favorite dish! 



Red Tent Women’s Event Celebrating the Light—Without and Within

Together we will celebrate the approach of Summer Solstice as we dive into this potent time of greatest light and the fiery essence and vitality of the abundance of Life itself. As did the ancient ones in all cultures and throughout time, we will circle, dance around the fire, connect deeply to our own growth and, of course, feast upon the fruits of our efforts.
Creation of our Midsummer Altar (Flowers and Memories)
Personal reflection, journaling and sharing (Small Group Time)
Outdoor Ceremony: The Abundance of the Light

Dinner and Dialogue Unraveling Colonialism - Building relationships with Native communities

This month we host Dave Ventimiglia, founder of The Tipi Raisers. The Tipi Raisers organization focuses on alleviating poverty in the Native communities they serve (primarily the Sioux (Pine Ridge Reservation), Navajo, and Hopi). As a White male, Dave brings a unique awareness to the role colonialism has played in the destruction of the way of life for Native and Indigenous Peoples around the world.

The deadliest day in Colorado history: A Private Tour-Sand Creek Massacre

The Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement team is co-hosting with the DEI Council a private, guided group  tour at the Colorado History  Center exhibit The Sand Creek Massacre: The Betrayal that Changed Cheyenne and Arapaho People Forever.  A docent of the center will guide us through the exhibit telling the history of the betrayal from the perspectives of Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal representatives, drawn from oral histories that have been passed down for generations.
Cost: $20 (includes admission to all exhibits at the History Colorado Center and the private group tour).

Advanced Directives Workshop

Let your directives for medical care be known in the event you cannot state them yourself. Prepare in advance in order to have your wishes known and lessen the burdens on others. Facilitated by Registered Nurse CJ Cullinan (Certified in Hospice & Palliative Care) & Skye ONeil (PA-C Emeritus). Donations graciously accepted.     

Singing as a Spiritual Practice Spring Choir Class

This choir experience is for singers who wish to experience the joy of spiritually grounded community music this spring. We will learn songs to share with our congregation on Sunday, June 18th and together we reclaim the magic of music and experience singing as a process of blessing and being blessed rather than performance. We meet Thursday evenings from 7:00pm - 9:00pm  April 27th - June 18th. No previous choir experience is necessary.