Small Group Ministries

2nd Saturday of the month
9 - 11 am

The Unity Men's Group is an informal gathering of men to discuss our personal stories and share opinions on different topics. It is a confidential space where many different points of view are entertained and enjoyed. Meeting once a month allows some continuity between individuals and allows for exploration of a different topic each month. We use a format that allows each person to state what has happened to him recently. Each person takes a few moments to bring up whatever aspect of his life that he wants to mention. Next each individual has a turn to discuss what the topic of the month may mean to him. All of this is done with respect for the divine in all of us. We meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 9 am until 11 am at the church.


Enter through the south door.

A topic of interest to many of us might be how each of us has experienced the pandemic and the changes it has brought to our lives - although - as always - feel free to discuss anything you wish

For more information, contact Bill Turner

3rd Saturday of the month
Typically 9:30am - 1:00pm*

Women's circles offer an opportunity to connect and learn with other women while holding space for the Divine Feminine at work with ourselves and each other.

Each month offers a new theme or topic, facilitated by a rotation of women within our community.

Red Tent events are open to all women and individuals identifying with feminine energy as non-binary, transgender and LGBTQ+.

Suggested love - offering: $35 (no one will be turned away).

*Please check the featured events page for more details about each month's theme, facilitator and time.

For more information, contact Heidi

Meets on the first Sunday of the month
11:30am - 1:00pm

This Team is dedicated to learning how to apply The Five Unity Principles to further our understanding of the need for social engagement and how we respond from love.

We also seek educational and service opportunities that align with our purpose. Be sure to check the Featured Events page for upcoming opportunities.

Purpose Statement: Grounded in Spirit, we take nonviolent action to co-create equity, understanding and justice in loving service to all beings and the Earth.

For more information, contact Shereen

Helping Hands Unite

Our goal is to maintain a team of caring individuals willing to give short term service to members of our community in a variety of ways. Care team members are available to help with transportation, meals, cards or calls of support and other special requests. You can serve in whatever capacity fits your schedule!

If you would like to find out more about serving on this team, contact Shereen Hill.

If you find yourself in need of a little extra support, please reach out and let us know, here.

We will do our best to line you up with a care team member in your area of town.

Unity Prayer Partners are trained to support our community members through personal prayer.

Since the beginning of the Unity movement, affirmative prayer has been the keystone of the organization’s growth. We know that as we deepen our personal prayer lives, we see changes in ourselves and in the consciousness of our entire Spiritual Community.

"All down the ages {humans have} been making the spiritual effort to realize conscious union with that innermost center where Truth in all its glory abides eternally. This realization can be accomplished only through true prayer."  
--Charles and Cora Fillmore -Teach Us to Pray

For more information, contact Trish Morris

Our welcoming system is more than a program, it is a consciousness that is held within our spiritual community.

A welcoming culture is the foundation for a thriving ministry. Whether you have been here for 20 years or 2 weeks, it is important that you feel welcome here.

Consider how you might want to connect with others on Sunday mornings, as a greeter, usher or welcome station host.

For more information, contact Trish Morris.

Book your spot now as we welcome Kimberly Braun as the facilitator for our Women’s Spiritual Retreat, Deepening: A Mystical Journey Within, September 27-29 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Colorado Springs! To find out more, please click here.