Red Tent Event

Our nervous systems are wired to keep us safe.

The thought of improvising is terrifying, so why even consider doing it?

You're improvising every day and might not know it.

Our inner child engages with ease and can show the way.

Playfully approaching the present moment rewires the nervous system and invites more ease into daily life.

Join us as we reconnect to the wisdom of our inner child through:

Dinner & Dialogue

This month we have the honor of welcoming guest speaker Danika Alexis McCarthy whose Ojibwe name is "The Painted Turtle Woman." Our time together begins with a casual interview-style conversation between DEI council board member, Diane Otsuka and Danika Alexis McCarthy. Topics will be inclusive of our previous months of exploration on the subject of Unraveling Colonialism: A Study of the Native American Experience and move into topics we may not have covered previously (i.e., missing Native American and Indigenous women, a better understanding of the reference to Turtle Island, and more).

Dinner & Dialogue

Our March gathering hosts guest speaker, Mary Raynard. Mary is a graduate of the Iliff School of Theology and member of a reparations group to the Lenape Native American Tribe for past atrocities perpetrated by the school. Mary shares her personal story related to the Indian Boarding Schools which are a result of her research while studying at Iliff. Mary brings her personal story about her Aunt, a teacher in the Native American boarding school system during the 1800's. She speaks authentically about her quest to understand how a 'good person' could participate in such an awful system.