Dinner & Dialogue

Our March gathering hosts guest speaker, Mary Raynard. Mary is a graduate of the Iliff School of Theology and member of a reparations group to the Lenape Native American Tribe for past atrocities perpetrated by the school. Mary shares her personal story related to the Indian Boarding Schools which are a result of her research while studying at Iliff. Mary brings her personal story about her Aunt, a teacher in the Native American boarding school system during the 1800's. She speaks authentically about her quest to understand how a 'good person' could participate in such an awful system. We will hear real examples of how colonization, cultural ideologies, and intent versus impact, play out in real life.

The evening includes a potluck (a Native American recipe for the main dish is provided by Diane and Gwen from the DEI Council and Unity). Please bring your favorite dish to share. We will also have time for debriefing and discussion.