Dinner and Dialogue Unraveling Colonialism - Building relationships with Native communities

This month we host Dave Ventimiglia, founder of The Tipi Raisers. The Tipi Raisers organization focuses on alleviating poverty in the Native communities they serve (primarily the Sioux (Pine Ridge Reservation), Navajo, and Hopi). As a White male, Dave brings a unique awareness to the role colonialism has played in the destruction of the way of life for Native and Indigenous Peoples around the world. He emphasizes the need to build relationships first, educating oneself about colonialism and the lingering effects, THEN doing the work centered on the perspective and needs expressed by the Native communities. Dave will also provide a sneak peek at the upcoming Indigenous Wisdom Gathering and Directions Ride June 23rd thru 26th in Eagle County. Plans are being made for DEI Council members to attend this event.

The evening includes a potluck for those joining in person.  Please bring your favorite dish to share.  We will also have time for debriefing and discussion.

Visit their website for more information about The Tipi Raisers.

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